The New Friend Group

 Boom! Moonwisp's new friends! Guess who is not a shard here. It should be obvious...

I have decided that all shards take a new name that is related to what they can do. If a shard tells you their real name, it means they trust you a lot. So, Wolfsbane, Cinders, and Moonwisp are not their real names. Also! Moonwisp may change to something that is more related to her power/abilities. Then all that will remain of her original self is her fur color...heh.

Aukai does not have a shard name. He was too edgy to bother. Cinders goes by her shard name even with the group because she doesn't like her real name, Flitch. Wolfsbane's name is meant to be taken literally. She is not sociable to anyone, no matter whose side they are on. Plus, her real name, Rosetta (nickname Rosette), isn't as intimidating.

Grotto doesn't have a shard name. Neither does Moonwisp. That needs fixing. 

(If anyone finds this, congrats! It's Grotto btw) 


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