Drao as a Ravan
GreyWall! Otherwise known as Kentytii. I still don't know what they call their capital in Kenverite. Hmm, that needs to be fixed. Anywho, this was an interesting (and hard) perspective to draw from! While trying to get the semi-underneath-look right, I discovered a handy thing in my perspective drawing guide: I can add extra points. It's kind of ridiculous that I didn't know that and only discovered it by accident, but Procreate seems quite notorious for having all these nifty "secret" shortcuts and features that one only finds by daily trial. The extra (ancher) points were somewhat helpful to figuring out the position, but not terribly because Mom was much easier to ask.
So! Back to the picture. This is what GreyWall, the capital of Kentytii, looks like. Eight towering stone spires with hundreds of not-depicted stone arches in between. Ravans defy common sense and get around quickly by literally jumping out the windows (or off bridges). This, of course, is only a Ravan thing to do. They use a thing like a grappling hook to swing their way around the spires and not fall to death. Here, Drao is preparing to drop. Usually, he'd be jumping out a window, but in this picture, I found it easier for him to be dropping off the side of a bridge.
Oh! Note about the world. You see that moon up there? Well, guess what! There are two moons in the picture. The big moon doesn't wax or wane but looks like it does thanks to the smaller moon orbiting it. When there is a 'new moon,' the smaller moon is directly in front of the bigger moon. This will look like an eclipse because the smaller moon isn't big enough to cover the bigger one. When it's a full moon, the smaller one is fully behind. I don't know what this does to the tides, though. Something drastic, I presume.
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