Changing Bandages


Boom! It's finally done! This piece took ages to draw (it's been sitting in procreate for like, a month now) and I'm so glad it's done. I'm not 100% happy with it, as Drao doesn't exactly look like he's in the picture and the washroom doesn't look like how I imagined it, BUT IT'S DONE and I'm not touching it again XD

Right, onto the story behind it :> This piece is set in Triumph Like Hope—the last book of Drao series one (yes, there's multiple series from him!)—near the middle/beginning. He's changing his bandages at the moment and is in pain, which is why he doesn't look happy. Fun fact: the leaves in the jar are medicinal. If you chew a couple up thoroughly, their juices will numb/kill pain. I'm not sure how exactly they do this yet, but by the power of being an author, I say it works :) 


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